Monday, June 6, 2011

West Side Church

I wanted to try a different church today & was aiming for one which is more charismatic or pentecostal. One of the guys downstairs M (who has an interesting American-German-Aussie accent : he spent time in all places) recommended his church to me, being West Side Church.

West Side is interesting in that it has 2 main campuses (5th Avenue & Granville Isl) and 4 services in which the head minister moves back and forth to do all 4 sermons 845am, 945am, 1045am, 1145am! Literally between each campus for each time.

I don't feel like I've reached a place of rest internally whilst I've been here. Possibly because I still haven't let go of certain worries or that I still have my wall up for some reason.

The worship this morning almost managed to bring me to tears in that I almost felt something give way inside. Given it has been many months, possibly more than a year since this has happened, perhaps a breakthrough of sorts?

The music was more rock-like, sort of like Hillsong but not. We did sing one Hillsong but that was about it. I've just emailed the church to see if they can list the songs for me. I do like a bit of pop-rock. I don't seem like it from the outside...but the first album I bought when I was young was Taylor Dayne, followed by Christina Aguilera (as opposed to my sister who loved NKOTB and Bros etc).

I digress.

So I loved the worship time if you haven't already gathered that. Maybe it awakened my soul? Or at the very least stirred. I did observe that many people around me seemed stiff or awkward. I understand this is a new branch of West Side so it sounded like there were quite a few new people there.

Before the sermon an announcement was made to reveal that the church wants to combine the 2 existing branch churches into one location and 2 services, so that they can plant another church on the north side. But this decision will be subject to 75% vote from all members. I found this really interesting but also encouraging in that they are experiencing growth and focussed on spreading God's Word. People were asked to pray and fast over the decision this Thursday which also impressed me. I've not heard of any church call people to do that.

The message by Lead Pastor Norm Funk (what a name!) was delivered well - he includes humour and brings today's culture into his sermon (eg. He said if you are playing angry birds during the sermon then that is not a great sign that you are really present listening to God's Word). But more importantly Norm unpacks the passage clearly and concisely (M described this to me the other night and he was right).

The sermon was on Acts 13:42-47 primarily. Acts is not the easiest of books to follow given you need to understand the history surrounding it. I liked how he gave background to the passage, highlighted key themes but also focussed on the harder to understand verses. He extracted alot from the passage, challenged people but did it in a manner that was not incoherent on any level.

What I love about the churches in Vancouver that I've been to or hear about is that holy communion is every week. I think it's a good thing to always have in our minds and hearts that Jesus' body was broken for us, His blood was shed, we are to repent and ask for forgiveness before our Lord. For me, it helps me to feel more prepared at church - it challenges me to think where I've been during the week. It's not for everyone but I think it is something churches back home could re-consider.

West side's communion is voluntary during the last worship time - you are free to approach the table if and when you are ready.

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