Friday, June 3, 2011

Come Away from Rush and Hurry

We sang this in chapel today. Quite a few people I have met from all around the world have come to Regent as part of their sabbatical. Appropriate words for our time here, but also as a daily practice.

Come away from rush and hurry to the stillness of God's peace;
From our vain ambition's worry come to Christ to find release.
Come away from noise and clamour, life's demands and frenzied pace;
Come to join the people gathered here to seek and find God's face.

In the pastures of God's goodness, we lie down to rest our soul;
From the waters of his mercy we drink deeply, are made whole.
At the table of his presence, all his saints are richly fed;
With the oil of his anointing into service we are led.

Come then, children, with your burdens --- life's confusions, fears and pain.
Leave them at the cross of Jesus, take instead His kingdom's reign.
Bring your thirsts, for he will quench them --- he alone will satisfy.
All our longings find attainment, when to self we gladly die.

Lyrics: Marva Dawn
Tune: Beach Spring

1 comment:

  1. These lyrics are great. Would love to hear how the melody goes. Hope you are drinking deeply from God's mercies and leaving your confusions, fears and pain at the Cross.
