Monday, June 6, 2011

Granville Loop Park

Post bagel eating, I tried to read a book but only managed a few pages. It was too hot to sit in the sun, but too cold to sit in the shade.

A really cute grey haired dog and his owner walked past me. She (I am guessing) had a pink leash. I had already noticed how cute she was when they passed me initially. Then on their return the dog stopped at my feet, was looking at me. So I said Hi. Then my heart almost melted when she came over (without enticement) and put her front paws up on the bench next to me for a pat. I'm not in the habit of patting other people's dogs but couldn't resist.

I'm a big believer in that dogs can read you. I think this one knew I was needing a pat. I miss Mr Ben.

Her fur was very soft and her owner very obliging. I wanted to talk to him but I don't think he spoke english.

Between the worship at church and this little doggy, I felt like I could appreciate the sounds and the environment around me a bit more today.

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