Thursday, January 21, 2010

Back to Feet

Feet - is something I know I took for granted until I discovered that my chronic back problems were partly due to my flat feet. Flat feet also cause bunions - partly hereditary and made worse by flat feet unattended.

For several years I have avoided using orthotics given the fashion sacrifice it entailed.
For the past 3-4 years I've had visits to remedial massage and physio to alleviate my back pain.

6 months ago I decided to take up pilates and look into getting orthotics (you can see from the first picture above the orthotic - they are alot less chunky than when I investigated 10 years ago). My back pain is no longer there - I still get the ache in the hips slightly and shoulder/upper back aches but this is more from sitting at the computer all day. In a nutshell I feel alot better than I was.

Pilates requires a once a week commitment to class and some stretches at home - I can handle that.

The use of custom made orthotics on the other hand sent me into a spin.
I have spent months pounding the pavement for shoes I can wear to work which fit my orthotics and are acceptable to my eye and taste. The journey has been long and at times I've wanted to give up. Given my narrow foot the orthotic was less of a problem than finding a shoe that didn't rub or irritate my bunions. My podiatrist was fantastic encouraging me to not give into buying a shoe I wasn't happy with - she was confident I would find shoes I wanted to wear.

First, I found the buttery soft leather Camper flats which I've been living in alot.
Just before Christmas I was scouring the shops for a hopeful 2nd pair of shoes to alternate with to work. Without success....

Christmas sales bought a few new options which I can live with for a while now for work.

Funnily enough, the two new options (on sale!) are patent blue double straps flats by Maloles - a french brand. And the two tone mary janes are by The Corner Shop - an Australian brand made in to be happy with that! When I found them, I thought - God knows me well and has provided once again - sensible but fashionable shoes. He He : ) (The Corner Shop is an arm of Belinda Seper's stores)

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