Saturday, January 30, 2010

First flourless chocolate cake

My first attempt at baking a flourless chocolate cake - Damien Pignolet's.
I think I like Rick Steins Sunken Chocolate cake better....but I'm not sure!

Eve’s Chocolate Cake

Recipe by Damien Pignolet from Short Orders


12 eggs, separated

360 g best quality cooking bitter


30 g soft unsalted butter

30 g caster sugar

cocoa powder or grated chocolate


1. Preheat oven to 150C.

2. Melt the chocolate in a bowl over hot water off

the heat.

3. Beat in the butter and sugar and the yolks,

beaten for a few minutes.

4. Stiffly beat the egg whites, beat a quarter of

this mass into the chocolate base and fold in the

remaining whites.

5. Pour two thirds into the cake tin and put the

remaining mixture in the fridge covered with

plastic film.

6. Bake the cake for 40-50 minutes.

7. When the cake feels firm and springy, remove

from the oven.

8. Turn it out upside down onto a serving platter

and remove the spring form tin.

9. Allow the chocolate cake to cool for at least one

hour. The centre should fall in.

10. Fill this space with the cold remaining mixture,

dust with cocoa or chocolate and serve with

whipped cream.

Notes & Tips

For 8-10 serves you will need a 26-28 cm spring

form cake tin, which should be greased and lined

with greaseproof paper or ‘Bakewell’

Serves 8 to 10

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