Some cool gifts from generous and thoughtful friends....they certainly know what I like! Showers of blessings....
The old wooden print stamps are from one of my favourite stores called DavidMetNicole. I've made numerous purchases here including my old work desk come dining table and chapel come dining chairs.....S-O-H-O are the letters which spell out Soho - the nickname some of my close friends at church have given me! Given the Christmas season coming up I could probably use the stamps to print HoHoHo - the nickname they revert to during this time of year!
The Frankie mag is a cool Australian mag featuring art, fashion, music, craft etc. (Might try and post some pages from it later)....
The M-cups are measuring cups (I love to bake) but in a cool Matryoshkas design.
I have such COOL friends who give very COOL gifts! : )