Friday, July 24, 2009

The Whirlwind of Answered Prayer

A few friends have recently notified me that it has been a while since my last post.

I've been caught up in a whirlwind of answered prayer the last 3 weeks, preceded by a tough month of illness and job hunting challenges.

I've been collating some thoughts over the past 4 months about what I've been learning and growing through since my retrenchment in December last year (after my 3 months off) and I'm still refining these thoughts...there is certainly much to catchup on.

But in the meantime I really want to thank God and family and friends for their support and encouragement especially the past 4 months.  When people have asked me how I've been the word 'rollercoaster' has come up many times.  It certainly is a very accurate way to describe it.

One of the things I am also most thankful for is prayer.  It was the prayers of many when I shared how I was struggling recently and after finally surrendering my job search to God 3 weeks ago, He provided a job for me within the week following.  I specifically prayed for a job in the city, with a team that was supportive and friendly and preferably outside of my realm of experience so that I could skill-up.  God delivered on all 3 fronts.    

And it's the joy and celebrations of family and friends that has further amazed me.  The emails, phone calls and text messages in my first week of work has been a joy and privilege to receive.  To think in a normal economy finding a job is not a big deal....

There is lots to learn and I'm sure there are more challenges ahead, but for now I am embracing this opportunity that God has given and want to praise Him and look forward to shining His light in this new environment.

The people at work have been super friendly and helpful which has also blown me away.  When God answers prayer He really makes it known!

1 comment:

  1. God is good, all the time & His loves endures forever. Thanks for sharing, Sarah, very encouraging to see how God has been working in your life, to refine you and make you grow through all these tough times.

