Saturday, April 21, 2012

Selling Yourself

So far it has been 9 weeks of job hunting...

Agents tell me I've been lucky enough to actually be interviewed with many candidates not reaching interview stage.

There have been some jobs where I'm missing a skill, a few where it goes to an internal candidate and a few where they retract the role due to budget or role revisions. But for each the feedback is always that I interview well and they like me....and in a few instances they try to find me roles elsewhere in the company.

What amazes me is that we are accepted and enter into jobs based on words - what we write (in our resume) and what we say (in the interview). I can't get over this. Pessimistic I know but I can't help but wonder how many people 'stretch the truth' or sell themselves well despite their actual skills or experience. Part of me feels uncomfortable about that being a christian and the other part feels like I am at a distinct disadvantage.

This morning I was thinking I'm glad I don't need to sell myself to get into Heaven, to have eternal life with the Father. But in a way it's harder - harder to have faith and be obedient to Christ.

'...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus...' (Romans 3"23-24)