A friend of mine had mentioned on Facebook that she was cooking with quinoa.And so, I've been wanting to try it and finally got around to it this afternoon.
Wikipedia describes quinoa as:
Quinoa has a light, fluffy texture when cooked, and its mild, slightly nutty flavor makes it an alternative to white rice or couscous.
The above is a quinoa salad recipe I found on-line, however, I added lemon and some ham for interest. It has loads of garlic, spinach and light feta crumbled throughout as per the recipe.
Hmm, the garlic and lemon is all I can taste. I tried a small spoonful when it was not dressed - it tasted grainy....I will have to try a bigger spoonful for nuttiness next time! I think I do like it compared to couscous as it has a lightness about it.